
How to install a modpack on my Minecraft server ?

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On our manager, we offer more than a hundred modpacks that can be installed in 1 click. But it may happen that you have a custom modpack, or a modpack that is not yet available on our interface. In this case, you will have to do the installation by following these few steps.

You must already start on a freshly installed server. If you already had data, uninstall and then reinstall the server.

For an example of an installation, I'm going to install All The Mods 9 and show you the necessary steps. If you have your own modpack, the process is the same.

Go to the modpack page in question (for the example, All The Mods 9), I go to the Files tab and I choose the latest version.

Next, click Additional Files and then download the server pack.

Once the zip file is installed, unzip it. Once inside this unzipped folder, the contents should look like this:

This may vary between modpacks.

Then connect to your FTP by following this guide:

Once connected to your FTP, go to the Minecraft folder, then transfer all of the contents of the unzipped folder to the Minecraft folder.

If there are failed transfers on .sh or.bat files, that's normal, your modpack will still work. However, if other transfers have failed, you can put them back in the queue to be sent.

This is going to take time, especially if the modpack is large. In the meantime, install the modpack on your computer (as well as for other users of your server). You can use Curse Forge software to easily install your modpacks. Simply install the software, search for your modpack and install it.

Once the modpack is installed via Curse Forge, remember the version of the game as well as the version of Forge, we will go to our manager to specify which version we will use.

Once on our manager, in the My Server tab, we select the right version of Minecraft necessary for the proper functioning of our mod, then the right version of Forge as well. And don't forget to validate!

Once the FTP transfer is done, we can install/restart our server and you can enjoy the modpack!